He used to sleep on Paul and I when he he was reallllllllllly little but he hasn't done it in so long because he's getting too big and antsy for it but I tell ya what, last night was just perfect, my baby in my arms sleeping away.....................I really do, I hope I remember last night for the rest of my life because there was no crazy night time trying to figure out dinner after a long day of work, clean dishes, give baths, prepare for work the next day - nothing. It was just me and my sweet baby boy taking a nap while the sun went down. Perfect.
Declan Brady Hogan (2/11/10) - our first love and first born. His brother, Carrig James Hogan (2/28/12) just joined the team and we couldn't feel more blessed.
C and D

Saturday, May 8, 2010
I'm gonna miss this..........
I had one of those moments/hours last night that I hope I remember forever. We had just come back from Goody, Keller and Kara's graduation party and Declan was pretty hyped up from all the ladies so of course, he was pooped but didn't wanna sleep and woke up early from his nap. I went upstairs to help him fall back asleep (we've been working on him falling asleep ON HIS OWN so that was the goal when I went upstairs) but I figured, what the hell, I literally have nothing better to do.......I'm just gonna hold him and rock him until he falls asleep. I re-swaddled him, put in his passy and starting rocking and he was asleep in about 5 minutes. That's when I thought, well I should probably be the consistent, good mother and put him back in his crib but no way, all I want to do is hold my baby................so we rocked and he slept in my arms for two and a half hours and ever so often I'd look down at his peaceful perfect face and tears would come to my eyes. It was just one of those nights, I didn't have anything else pulling me in a different direction, I could focus everything I had on Declan and I did just that. It was heaven, right here on earth.