That said, if only she could have stayed a liiiiitttttle longer. Apparently the second coming is near as a volcano erupted in Iceland, haulting all air traffic in and out of Europe for a week - thus Paul has been stuck in Ireland and won't be back until (hopefully) this Thursday.....I got this call as my mom was about 5 minutes into her flight back to Charlotte. Needless to say I had a couple glasses of wine and there have been many tearful phone calls back and forth trying to figure out how I'm going to manage this unpredictable 2 month old by myself and go back to work without childcare. Its been an interesting past few days but I can't say enough about our friends out here. I spent the entire day with the Hempen/Mayberry clan on Sunday and today I've had Steph, Lucas, and Maggie Yost all here to help/bring me food/bring me back some of my sanity that I briefly lost :) I am so so so very lucky to have such amazing friends.
In any case - here are some cute pics from when GiGi was here! I got hourly texts and pics of my boy while she was watching him. And oh how I looked forward to hearing my phone do the little "ding" to tell me I had a new one!
Cheeks McGee
Watching the Masters with GiGi
His new BFF
Where'd you get that round face?!?! Not me.....clearly. Mommy has such a THIN face! ;)


Giving GiGi the look........

My mom testing out Declan in the awesome sling she made....she's pretty talented. Just putting it out there.

Attempt #1 in the Bumbo seat

My favorite text pic from last week

Declan has found his hand and he likes it!