C and D

C and D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

GiGi's visit!

Oh my goodness how much do I love my mother?!?! She came and saved the day - wish she could have saved more but we'll get to that later ;) I started work again last Monday and Paul left Tuesday for his college roommate's wedding in Ireland - those two together is enough to give me major anxiety but add to it that we don't have childcare starting until May 3rd and I was a leeeeettle nervous about what we were going to do with Declan. In comes my amazing mom! She came in on Sunday and stayed the whole week, watching our sweet little boy and calming my nerves about being away for the first time.........if you cannot watch your child, you want someone who is the most LIKE you to watch your child and that is easily my mom. If Paul and I aren't there to love on him, it makes all the difference in the world knowing that your mom is loving him the way she loved/loves you. Oh I just can't thank her enough - AND to top it off she made some killer meals :) What more could a girl ask for??????
That said, if only she could have stayed a liiiiitttttle longer. Apparently the second coming is near as a volcano erupted in Iceland, haulting all air traffic in and out of Europe for a week - thus Paul has been stuck in Ireland and won't be back until (hopefully) this Thursday.....I got this call as my mom was about 5 minutes into her flight back to Charlotte. Needless to say I had a couple glasses of wine and there have been many tearful phone calls back and forth trying to figure out how I'm going to manage this unpredictable 2 month old by myself and go back to work without childcare. Its been an interesting past few days but I can't say enough about our friends out here. I spent the entire day with the Hempen/Mayberry clan on Sunday and today I've had Steph, Lucas, and Maggie Yost all here to help/bring me food/bring me back some of my sanity that I briefly lost :) I am so so so very lucky to have such amazing friends.
In any case - here are some cute pics from when GiGi was here! I got hourly texts and pics of my boy while she was watching him. And oh how I looked forward to hearing my phone do the little "ding" to tell me I had a new one!

Cheeks McGee

Watching the Masters with GiGi

His new BFF

Where'd you get that round face?!?! Not me.....clearly. Mommy has such a THIN face! ;)


Giving GiGi the look........

My mom testing out Declan in the awesome sling she made....she's pretty talented. Just putting it out there.

Attempt #1 in the Bumbo seat

My favorite text pic from last week

Declan has found his hand and he likes it!