Paul and I LOVE to cook and we always have music going, which usually leads to dancing. Well this has just gotten amusing for Paul as my belly has gotten bigger and bigger so this past Saturday we were having a big day in the kitchen and dancing as always when Paul whipped out his new camera that has video on it and thought it would be funny if he taped it.........which he did. He then proceeded to spend 2 hours on the computer making a video he could send out to our family and my cloooooose friends. You gotta be close to get this ;)
In any case - here it is. As Paul puts it, "if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?!" He helps me not take myself and my huge belly too seriously :) Which is nice because its easy to get worked up at how much your body changes thru this process, but thank you Paul, for always keeping it in perspective for me and helping me LAUGH thru it all. Hopefully y'all will laugh too :)
Alli's Prego Dance
PS - make sure you turn up the volume!!!!! gotta have a little soundtrack to my sweet prego moves ;)