And there's the belly :) We went to the doctor again today and nothing new to report. My body is ready to go, "just waiting on contractions" as my dr put it. She thinks our little man is around 8 lbs so he's a good size, full term, and reeeeeeeally low and pressing on mommy's bladder - thank you little guy! Seriously though, both of us are ready per Dr Christensen so again, we wait :) And I CAN'T wait.......
As most of you know by now, what I thought was my due date is Feb 3rd (ummmmm tomorrow) but she goes with Feb 8th so we did go ahead and schedule an induction for Feb 11th just in case nothing has happened by then. So, next Thursday is the LATEST that our boy will be here. 2/11/2010 at 7:30am we go in if he hasn't showed his beautiful face before then................................and I really hope he does. I want nothing to do with an induction, I'd much rather have this go naturally so fingers crossed and lots of prayers please.
We'll continue to keep you updated. Love you all!