A few weeks ago Paul, decky and I had planned on going to Georgia so Paul could play in the member/guest tournament with his dad but I unfortunately couldn't go at the last minute :( father of the year, Paul, drove decky 7 hours to Georgia by himself and gave me some time to relax as I had been pretty sick recently. Paul was in GA for only two days but nana and pop took care of Declan for about a week!!! Again - it ended up being such good timing cause that week I was ILL but decky was in truly amazing hands with his grand parents :) he had such a fun week, swimming, playing with his cousins, and obviously being spoiled rotten. :) easily my favorite part of being in SC is how much closer we are to our families. We are so so so lucky that we get to see everyone as oftn as we do and this was no different.
We love you nana, pop, aunt Nancy, uncle Scott, tj and Matty!!!!!! I know you love decky more than Paul or I but that's how it should be ;) xoxoxoxoxoxo!!!!

All the boys!

Swimming with aunt Nancy and Matty!

Fish sticks in ketchup!!

Ice cream with pop!!

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!