So I've seen a couple other people do this on their blogs so I figured why not :)
I love food. I love trying out new recipes (much to my husband's chagrin) so tonight when he came home and asked me what's for dinner and I said "just trust me" he groaned and I'm pretty sure started calculating how quickly he could get to McD's and back before dinner was ready.......
In any case, it was a hit with all three of us. Decky had a little leftover because it was huge but it'll make a delicious frittata tomorrow!!!
So here's the recipe - the only changes I made were to add a little crushed red pepper in with the onions (i like heat!), my grocery store didn't have mascarpone cheese so i got light cream cheese and just used about a spoonful to make the sauce kinda creamy and I subbed out spinach for arugula because.................arugula is a weird word. And I have no idea what it tastes like.
Oh and I didn't garnish with parsley..............garnish smarnish. It was delightful and very filling! It does sound kinda weird to put Italian sauce all over a baked potato but really...... give it a shot!! So good!
Declan Brady Hogan (2/11/10) - our first love and first born. His brother, Carrig James Hogan (2/28/12) just joined the team and we couldn't feel more blessed.
C and D

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Instragam life
A few randos I've been meaning to post:
Oh you don't wanna listen to mommy???? See where that gets u dude

Unruly curls

Poop face

My favorite sweet baby face

Pushing his chair over to get up and help mommy with breakfast

And we are up. And in the candy bucket. That is now hidden.

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Oh you don't wanna listen to mommy???? See where that gets u dude

Unruly curls

Poop face

My favorite sweet baby face

Pushing his chair over to get up and help mommy with breakfast

And we are up. And in the candy bucket. That is now hidden.

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Cool guy
Why I opposed the iPad for so long:
Saturday, August 27, 2011
So, serious catching up to do here but these were some pics from camp of Paul and Decky one night. Nana had gone to the store and got Decky a little coaching outfit to match daddy and it was TOO CUTE. Its even better when Declan puts his hands behind his back and stands there looking out at the field the way Paul does. I'll work on getting pics of that later....
Paul put him to work getting the balls together.
The wheels on the bus go round and round.....
Paul did a "Top Chef" competition with his Coastal girls during preseason so Declan and I went over to be judges.......which turned into Decky putting on a show :) Here he is showing the girls how he sings and dances to one of his faves, "the wheels on the bus". PS - check out the curls! Humidity will do that to a kid!
3-T Pajamas
that is our beautiful 18 month old in 3-T pajamas and rocking them hard! with one shoe. and brushing his teeth.
One plus about living at the beach:
Your aunt and cousins from California fly in for their vacation! Which prompts your grandparents and mom to come down to visit too!!!
Decky had the best time with everyone! My mom took him over one morning to their hotel and didn't come back until after 5pm! No nap for him that day, he went and went and went............we love you Brooke, Haley, Grace, Gammy, Grandy, and of course GiGi :) Such a fun couple of days....please please come back SOON.
Our Friday night:
Riding on daddy's back thru the house
Crawling/jumping on mommy and daddy's bed
DBH's version of "planking"
Giving mommy THE best cheesy, crooked smile on the planet - totally charmin'? i think so.
Two most handsome boys I've ever seen in my whole life.
If there is anything you got from me, Decky, it is our sweet chin :) Yours is becoming more and more pronounced as you "thin out"!
Picture time with mama!
My favorite pic again, had to do it :)
Night night.
18 months
Holy friggin jkfdals;jkl;djfdkasl;rejwlaflj..........I can't believe that A) Declan Brady is now officially a year and a half old and B) I'm this late in posting about it! Riiiiight ;) But baby is clearly no longer a baby and turning into a truly phenomenal little boy. Here are a few of his latest: we have his appt at the end of this month so I'll post his stats then but I do know we have hit the 30lb mark! Wowsa.............
Ok so I have been writing this post little by little for 2 weeks now......and since its now the end of the month and we had his appt yesterday, I have his stats!!
Weight: 31 lbs - disclaimer, the lady weighed him with his clothes/shoes/diaper that I found out 2 mins later had a load in it and he came to 31lbs 7oz but she dropped it down to 31 even because of the clothes situation. My guess is he's even less than 31 but still - he's big :) This puts him in the 95th percentile. Go on little man.
Height: 32 inches - 50th percentile.
Head was something like 19.75 inches - not sure where this ranges
So here's a sampling of what Decky's up to these days:
- clapping at everything. he is an extremely late clapper. like 14 or 15 months he finally started clapping (weirdo) but he is making up for it now. he thinks he is SOMETHIN'. after every bite, he puts his spoon/fork down and claps. every single bite. we change his diaper, he claps. he jumps, he claps. he points to his bananas and says "ba ba" and claps. he's just a mess and so hilarious.
-nodding his head - he used to only shake "no" but now if he's trying to tell me something and I guess right, he nods vigarously and its awesome. he looks like a woodpecker or something to be honest but i love it.
-noooot a big talker. like, not really talking at all. he babbles a ton and his sound of choice remains "ba ba ba ba" which is for EVERYTHING. i can usually decifer what he wants/is trying to tell me btwn him dragging my hand somewhere, pointing, and signing. i'm not really worried at this point because he's a very good communicator, just not a great talker :)
- our air conditioner - is super loud. every time it comes on declan looks at me with this huge smile and says "BA BA". to which i say "AC" and he says "BA BA" even louder until we are shouting our versions of what an air conditioner actually is. he knows exactly what he is doing. stinker.
- along the "ba ba" line, he likes to lock himself in the bathroom because it echoes. and he yells "BA BA BA BA BA" and listens to the echo. its hilarious. even better when i'm actually going to the bathroom and he decides to come join me and lock us both in for the echo-fest.
- total jumping machine. we're working on getting some air now.
- is absolutely hysterical. such a ham, loves to make me laugh and he knows just how to do it. and the look on his face says he's so proud when he does. followed by clapping
- eats it all. example - made chicken tikka masala (indian dish) with brown rice and he scarfed it down for dinner and had the next 2 days for lunch. last night i made paul and i some pad thai but gave decky leftover sloppy joes. he wanted nothing to do with the sloppies but inhaled the pad thai. my boy!!! today paul and i were out looking at houses and went to a little pizza place for lunch. we split a pizza - i got half supreme, paul got half cheese. we are that different. declan ate my supreme - with every veggie and meat you could imagine. i love love LOVE it. at least he got SOMETHING from me :)
- loves loves loves swimming. and sinking.
- very wary of new people. not the most trusting but once you've proven yourself watch out
- sooooo mushy. gives THE BEST HUGS AND KISSES on the planet. can't even explain. and he loves a good cuddle. he's really a big big big lover boy. i will cherish this as long as it lasts.
- really getting into his pacifier these days. probably shouldn't encourage that. remains a massive blanket fanatic
- a phenomenal singer. we always sing "the lord's been good to me" before dinner and you can really carry a tune little man ;)
- chef in the making. every meal. bfast, lunch, dinner, he pulls/pushes the chair himself over to the counter so he can see what i'm doing. he's a very good whisker. and he's learned the hard way that the stove is HOT
- very very very veryyyyy (catch my drift) into trucks. you count them as we drive. you point at them thru the window of a restaurant. if we're out playing and you hear a loud noise you either look in the street for a truck or up in the sky for an airplane. you have about 4 trucks that are your faves and you take at least one with us every.where.we.go.
- speaking of airplanes - you love. and birds. anything in the sky
- big reader. love that sometimes when I can't find you, you're in your room reading by yourself. favorite book at the moment is a pop out one about colors that we got at target!
- still a serious pusher. i'm starting to get worried that you might try to do that for a living and i'm not sure what all that could lead to in terms of a career
- you still sleep 12-13 at night but your naps are suspect. never know what you're going to get. you go at least 1.5hrs every day, some days you go for 3.5 hrs and some don't. i can't tell sometimes if you're teething or WHAT. i wish i could unlock the secret to a good long nap because they make suuuuch a difference.
- you say "bye bye" to things you know you shouldnt be touching when I tell you to stop. hilarious. and you actually stop touching them! shocking.
- you're a surfer boy lookalike. you have bleach blonde hair and curls that are totally enviable. you also have a dimple that i could LIVE IN. ahhh i love it. your smile is beyond words.
- i mentioned this before but you are an absolute goofball and remind me SO much of your daddy in this way. you love to put on a show and truthfully, you are absolutely hilarious. not like "you're funny because you're my kid" but you actually have an awesome sense of humor and it has really started to pop these last few weeks. i can't say enough how much you make me laugh - its my new favorite part of being your mommy :)
- you also love to throw a good tantrum. you throw your whole body, face down, on the ground and bang your head. its weird. i wish you would stop that for sooo many reasons
- you know your colors and most animals but the only sounds you make are for a kitty (you open your mouth and let out a little cry) and this just in tonight (8/27) you "woof" like a puppy!!
There are a bazillion more little fun, adorable nuances about you Decky but this will do for now. You, my dear, are the light of your daddy and I's life. Your laugh, your smile, the way you know how to charm your way into my arms even if I'm so angry with you is just something to write about ;) You are a smart, loving, loveABLE, handsome, healthy, energetic young boy and I would ask you to pleeeeeeeeeeeease slow your roll for a little bit. I don't like how quickly this is all going......
We love you honey. So much.
With that - here is my favorite picture from the night of your 18 month appt: Your cheesy smile!
Ok so I have been writing this post little by little for 2 weeks now......and since its now the end of the month and we had his appt yesterday, I have his stats!!
Weight: 31 lbs - disclaimer, the lady weighed him with his clothes/shoes/diaper that I found out 2 mins later had a load in it and he came to 31lbs 7oz but she dropped it down to 31 even because of the clothes situation. My guess is he's even less than 31 but still - he's big :) This puts him in the 95th percentile. Go on little man.
Height: 32 inches - 50th percentile.
Head was something like 19.75 inches - not sure where this ranges
So here's a sampling of what Decky's up to these days:
- clapping at everything. he is an extremely late clapper. like 14 or 15 months he finally started clapping (weirdo) but he is making up for it now. he thinks he is SOMETHIN'. after every bite, he puts his spoon/fork down and claps. every single bite. we change his diaper, he claps. he jumps, he claps. he points to his bananas and says "ba ba" and claps. he's just a mess and so hilarious.
-nodding his head - he used to only shake "no" but now if he's trying to tell me something and I guess right, he nods vigarously and its awesome. he looks like a woodpecker or something to be honest but i love it.
-noooot a big talker. like, not really talking at all. he babbles a ton and his sound of choice remains "ba ba ba ba" which is for EVERYTHING. i can usually decifer what he wants/is trying to tell me btwn him dragging my hand somewhere, pointing, and signing. i'm not really worried at this point because he's a very good communicator, just not a great talker :)
- our air conditioner - is super loud. every time it comes on declan looks at me with this huge smile and says "BA BA". to which i say "AC" and he says "BA BA" even louder until we are shouting our versions of what an air conditioner actually is. he knows exactly what he is doing. stinker.
- along the "ba ba" line, he likes to lock himself in the bathroom because it echoes. and he yells "BA BA BA BA BA" and listens to the echo. its hilarious. even better when i'm actually going to the bathroom and he decides to come join me and lock us both in for the echo-fest.
- total jumping machine. we're working on getting some air now.
- is absolutely hysterical. such a ham, loves to make me laugh and he knows just how to do it. and the look on his face says he's so proud when he does. followed by clapping
- eats it all. example - made chicken tikka masala (indian dish) with brown rice and he scarfed it down for dinner and had the next 2 days for lunch. last night i made paul and i some pad thai but gave decky leftover sloppy joes. he wanted nothing to do with the sloppies but inhaled the pad thai. my boy!!! today paul and i were out looking at houses and went to a little pizza place for lunch. we split a pizza - i got half supreme, paul got half cheese. we are that different. declan ate my supreme - with every veggie and meat you could imagine. i love love LOVE it. at least he got SOMETHING from me :)
- loves loves loves swimming. and sinking.
- very wary of new people. not the most trusting but once you've proven yourself watch out
- sooooo mushy. gives THE BEST HUGS AND KISSES on the planet. can't even explain. and he loves a good cuddle. he's really a big big big lover boy. i will cherish this as long as it lasts.
- really getting into his pacifier these days. probably shouldn't encourage that. remains a massive blanket fanatic
- a phenomenal singer. we always sing "the lord's been good to me" before dinner and you can really carry a tune little man ;)
- chef in the making. every meal. bfast, lunch, dinner, he pulls/pushes the chair himself over to the counter so he can see what i'm doing. he's a very good whisker. and he's learned the hard way that the stove is HOT
- very very very veryyyyy (catch my drift) into trucks. you count them as we drive. you point at them thru the window of a restaurant. if we're out playing and you hear a loud noise you either look in the street for a truck or up in the sky for an airplane. you have about 4 trucks that are your faves and you take at least one with us every.where.we.go.
- speaking of airplanes - you love. and birds. anything in the sky
- big reader. love that sometimes when I can't find you, you're in your room reading by yourself. favorite book at the moment is a pop out one about colors that we got at target!
- still a serious pusher. i'm starting to get worried that you might try to do that for a living and i'm not sure what all that could lead to in terms of a career
- you still sleep 12-13 at night but your naps are suspect. never know what you're going to get. you go at least 1.5hrs every day, some days you go for 3.5 hrs and some don't. i can't tell sometimes if you're teething or WHAT. i wish i could unlock the secret to a good long nap because they make suuuuch a difference.
- you say "bye bye" to things you know you shouldnt be touching when I tell you to stop. hilarious. and you actually stop touching them! shocking.
- you're a surfer boy lookalike. you have bleach blonde hair and curls that are totally enviable. you also have a dimple that i could LIVE IN. ahhh i love it. your smile is beyond words.
- i mentioned this before but you are an absolute goofball and remind me SO much of your daddy in this way. you love to put on a show and truthfully, you are absolutely hilarious. not like "you're funny because you're my kid" but you actually have an awesome sense of humor and it has really started to pop these last few weeks. i can't say enough how much you make me laugh - its my new favorite part of being your mommy :)
- you also love to throw a good tantrum. you throw your whole body, face down, on the ground and bang your head. its weird. i wish you would stop that for sooo many reasons
- you know your colors and most animals but the only sounds you make are for a kitty (you open your mouth and let out a little cry) and this just in tonight (8/27) you "woof" like a puppy!!
There are a bazillion more little fun, adorable nuances about you Decky but this will do for now. You, my dear, are the light of your daddy and I's life. Your laugh, your smile, the way you know how to charm your way into my arms even if I'm so angry with you is just something to write about ;) You are a smart, loving, loveABLE, handsome, healthy, energetic young boy and I would ask you to pleeeeeeeeeeeease slow your roll for a little bit. I don't like how quickly this is all going......
We love you honey. So much.
With that - here is my favorite picture from the night of your 18 month appt: Your cheesy smile!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Decky and the puppies
My new favorite pics
The other night Declan was putting on a show. A one man show. With a one woman audience. He was on fire in his hot, very tight pjs :) I think he knew they looked funny on him because IMMEDIATELY after I
Put them on he got this silly grin on his face and started performing....

Showin me his big belly. The best is when he walks around the kitchen like this....waddling.

Showing me his big biceps...... That face gets me every time.

Love you buddy!!!!!!
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Put them on he got this silly grin on his face and started performing....

Showin me his big belly. The best is when he walks around the kitchen like this....waddling.

Showing me his big biceps...... That face gets me every time.

Love you buddy!!!!!!
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Declan has been soooooo into putting on everyones shoes - including his own - and walking around. These super smelly ones are his faces :)
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Location:Lalton Dr,Conway,United States
Time out

It's time. For time out. Unfortunately Declan likes it. Ugh!!!!!!! He goes willingly. He likes me to go too. I even mention time out and he runs over. He touched the tv when he shouldn't, I gave him a look, he went to timeout by himself. The bummer is that he did it again about 5 minutes later so pretty sure timeout isn't miserable enough. Advice needed!!!!
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
The fake laugh
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Daddy on television!

Look!!! There he is :) Paul did some promos for his season on the local tv station and decky was really confused but super cute. We were all very proud of our daddy!
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Amaaazing timing
A few weeks ago Paul, decky and I had planned on going to Georgia so Paul could play in the member/guest tournament with his dad but I unfortunately couldn't go at the last minute :( father of the year, Paul, drove decky 7 hours to Georgia by himself and gave me some time to relax as I had been pretty sick recently. Paul was in GA for only two days but nana and pop took care of Declan for about a week!!! Again - it ended up being such good timing cause that week I was ILL but decky was in truly amazing hands with his grand parents :) he had such a fun week, swimming, playing with his cousins, and obviously being spoiled rotten. :) easily my favorite part of being in SC is how much closer we are to our families. We are so so so lucky that we get to see everyone as oftn as we do and this was no different.
We love you nana, pop, aunt Nancy, uncle Scott, tj and Matty!!!!!! I know you love decky more than Paul or I but that's how it should be ;) xoxoxoxoxoxo!!!!

All the boys!

Swimming with aunt Nancy and Matty!

Fish sticks in ketchup!!

Ice cream with pop!!

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
We love you nana, pop, aunt Nancy, uncle Scott, tj and Matty!!!!!! I know you love decky more than Paul or I but that's how it should be ;) xoxoxoxoxoxo!!!!

All the boys!

Swimming with aunt Nancy and Matty!

Fish sticks in ketchup!!

Ice cream with pop!!

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Pressure is on!
My phone (the one I'm typing on) is a full on POS and works about 1/7th of the time so im taking over Pauls phone hopefully tomorrow so I need to blog the pics and videos I have on here before I don't have them anymore! Ahhhh - and too bad I have about 736392 pics I need to get off here!
1-2-3 blog.
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
1-2-3 blog.
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Little swimmer boy
This post is for my brother, Kenan, who is thoroughly perturbed with me and my serious blogging hiatus. And because Kenan is the swimmer in our fam - you will appreciate this video. Declan has perfected the jump and sink....... Starting to bob a little but not enough to make mommy feel good................... Good news is decky smiles all the way down :)
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!
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