What?!?!?! Has it already been 4 months????????? We now have a little boy and not just a little newborn - Declan Brady has certainly started asserting his hilarious yet stubborn personality and I LOVE it. 4 months is such a short time but its amazing how much he has changed and how quickly he has grabbed a hold of Paul and I's hearts. We kiss him more than is normal for any human being to be kissed but I know I speak for Paul when I say, "WE CANNOT HELP OURSELVES!!!" There is nothing more that I look forward to than coming home and tickling him or kissing his legs and inside of his arms and hearing his belly laugh. I love holding him up in front of the mirror as he dances and kicks his feet whilst cackling. My heart melts when I'm nursing him and every minute he looks up at me and smiles. Literally every minute..............makes nursing an extremely long activity these days. Its so exciting to see him really start to understand that when he pulls a toy on his chair that its going to make noise, and so he does it over and over and overrrrrrr (you get the jist... ;) ) Most of all I just enjoy the time that Paul and I have together watching this little stinker grow and change. It is truly amazing that no one day is the same and I'm starting to embrace that - I am a creature of habit so it was a hard transition going from lots of predictability to NONE but it is so unbelievably exciting not knowing what Declan is going to do today :) A few things are certain though - he will smile, we will love him more than we ever thought possible, and he will poop or pee on mommy. It is what it is ;)
Little buddy's 4 month stats:
Height: 24.5 inches (25th percentile)
Weight: 14lb 15 oz (50th percentile)
Head: 43.18 cm (75th percentile)
-----we're just climbing up the ladder..........
One thing that has been a little rough is his skin issue, but we seem to be getting that under control. He continues to have these little spots on the outsides of his arms and on his face that flare up and get better, flare up and then get better.............he had a rough patch when we took him up to Vail for an overnight trip and so after that the doctor prescribed some steroid cream which I didn't fill until this past weekend just because I was scared to use it on him - I finally broke down and got it and it has worked WONDERS. Hopefully we'll be able to keep it under control because it really is messing up my pictures ;) Jeez Declan!!!!!!!!