The boys are so busy (and so fun) and are into everything so it's a little overwhelming to blog! They are just doing so much and mommy is so tired - not a good combo but gonna try and catch up a little in a very very extraordinarily random blog post - now!
We had a cookout one night with a group of friends and Paul rocked this beauty to sleep. Anytime we are around Lilly Paul somehow finds a way to hold her.......clearly he needs a little girl of his own!

And the boys found their way into the pool. It was a late, wet, cold ride home....

We are in prime time soccer season so if we aren't watching Paul's girls, we are watching the boys play, and decky is hanging with his (Paul's) girls :)

Carrig and I have been going to library time and "mornings with mommy" every week. He is absolutely disastrous there but it's good for him. Luckily we are friends with the lady who runs "mornings with mommy" or else we prob would have been kicked out by now.

He will always, however, sit still for snack and juice ;)

The Moby is back! And carrig looooooves it! Every day we go for a good bike ride while deckys at school. My quads aren't happy ab it.

We don't have many trees in our yard that drop leaves so this is the lamest leaf pile ever........good thing they aren't picky!

Declan has taught C the art of drinking the juice from the fruit cup....milk from a cereal bowl isn't as neat.

One night we went and visited daddy at practice!

The man does it all :)

Friday night lights. We are LOVING going to daddy's games. Fall is the best for so many reasons......GO CHANTS!

The neighborhood boys frequent the hogan household these days.
Can't tell if they like Declan, the toys, or Paul best.

I have to say this bc it was so funny. One night last week they were over on Monday, it was time to go and one of the boys came up to Paul and goes, "so ugh.....I'm gonna have a lot of homework on tues, weds and thurs but ugh....maybe I'll see you on Friday?!?!?!" Haaaa oh my gosh!!! Paul's ego just went thru the roof thanks to a sweet little 11yr old boy.

We tailgated with our besties one night before a football game. Times have a changed ;)

Everything......repeat, everything, was a touchdown to this kid.

Feeding the fish in our backyard. I just love his little face when he talks to me :)

He pushed down the pirate in deckys room, straddled him and yelled "horsie!!!!!" He's special.

Halloween craft night with friends!

A walk one morning with my beautiful fella and his buffalo.
Hasn't forgotten our CO roots.......

Homie loves himself a smoothie.

How we roll when daddy's on the road.

We met kaylie and jax at the park one day after the older kids had school for lunch.

Trying to teach J had to go down the slide.....he is surprisingly so sweet with the babies....

Last week we went out to indigo farms after school with k&j again for some fall fun. They had a blast, as always.

These two are so cute with the animals.

This one....not so much.

Just a big boy now. Feeding himself, no more sippy cups, no more bottles......lots of personality.

I had Declan's school fundraiser with a friend last Friday night so Paul and the little ones had boys night. They could not have been more pleased :)

Naked rain fun! a body.

More soccer!

Oh yes. Standing up riding his bike now. Hot sh*t!

Sweet cleavage.....

And I'll leave you with this gem. Goodnight!

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