Well isn't this just a funny little trick. Somehow, time is slipping very very quickly away from mommy and daddy and Carrig is somehow already 15 months old. WHAT??????
Carrig, you are still the cutest, cuddliest little dude around. With really long hair. And a smile to die for. And a large rear end only balanced out by an equally monster belly.
You are so funny and are really starting to show your personality. I'm loving finding out some of your likes and dislikes.
Current likes: SHOES. OMG - the shoes....you require them at all times. We were at the pool a couple days ago with our friends and you swam with them because you are that obsessed.
Also obsessed with ducks in the back, birds in the sky, airplanes and motorcycles.
One of your only words is "cheers" and i'm not sure what that says about your future. Kind of has my worried for your college years.
You have an egg allergy. That's the only one I've been able to nail down....awesome.
You still refuse milk out of a cup so you take a bottle before bed and sometimes in the am. I have been saying this for three months but seriously, we are going to work on getting rid of the fracking bottle soon here. Prepare yourself.
Still biiiiig on the paci. Not fighting that battle yet.
You do not play with toys and it kind of drives me crazy. Unless Declan has it. Then you want it. You go from one thing to the next every few seconds and mainly just want to be around people. If you could play "chase" with Declan or jump with mommy or daddy on the trampoline all day or drive your car or ride a bike you would be happy. Or eat. Oh, you like to eat. A lot. You kind of just want to be a big boy and think you are.
You are a fish. You jump in the pool like a big kid and just hang out, swimming around. Same goes with the beach. You walk out until you get knocked down, you get up, then walk further. Water babies.....
Dancing! You have awesome moves. And like your brother, you LOVE Maroon 5 :) haha!!! Everytime "Daylight" comes on either mommy's phone or the radio, you put your hands up and say "daylight" (or something like it) and dance like a crazy person it is hilarious.
All of a sudden you've come on strong with the stranger danger. We got beeped the other week at church because you were so miserable in the nursery. Its good times.
You are growing, I think. The other day we went in to get you up at 10:45. ANTE MERIDIEM!!!!! That's ridiculous. Then you slept 2 hours for your nap.
Speaking of growing...You were 27.5lbs and 30.5 inches at your appt :) So growing you are...
We just love you more than life, little buddy. You are so funny and very seriously make us the happiest parents are earth. There is nothing like being your mommy.......thanks for being phenomenal.

Goodnight sweet curly haired baby.....